South African Medical Association

Please Note

All SAMA-hosted journals' submission websites and CPD services are currently being migrated to a new hosting platform. We're working to have everything set up by Friday 11 October 2024, and it will be accessible once the process is complete. We thank you for your patience.

HPCSA Annual Fees & Registration

HPCSA Annual Fees

Annual fees are payable to the HPCSA by 1 April and are valid until 31 March of the following year.

Please note that it is the responsibility of every registered practitioner to ensure that his/her annual fee is paid by 1 April of each year.

NB: Registered health practitioners who have not paid their annual fees by 1 April of a particular year, will be erased from the register within three months of the due date of 1 April.  

To view the HPCSA's fee overview, click this link:

HPCSA Registration Criteria

Registration with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) is a pre-requisite for professional practice, and it is also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date at all times.

An annual fee is payable for this registration and failure to pay this fee could result in erasure from the register. If, for some reason a practitioner is erased from the register, they can redeem themselves by applying for restoration and paying the restoration fee.

Voluntary erasure from the register is possible if the practitioner does not intend to practice his/her profession in South Africa for a given period of time. A request has to be submitted in writing before 31 March of the year voluntary erasure is requested.

There are six main registration categories namely:

  • Student Registration
  • Intern Registration
  • Community Service
  • Independent Practice (including Registrar's who are training in a specific speciality)
  • Other categories for temporary or restricted registration include:
  • Education
  • Post Graduate
  • Volunteer

After completing the requirements of each of the registration categories, the onus is on the individual to formally apply for registration in the next category. Penalty fees are charged upon application for a new registration category if the individual has not been registered as student in the required category.

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